pod descartavel para Leigos

pod descartavel para Leigos

Blog Article

There are three types of firing mechanism that follows basic principals for the most part. Almost all pod systems have a single built-in battery and must be charged via MicroUSB Port like a cell phone.

Draw activated pod vapes will produce vapor as soon as you inhale on the mouthpiece of the device. Simply start to draw and the device will begin to produce vapor, much like a cigarette.

Está pensando em comprar um pod system? Vale super a pena testar e experimentar esse Resultado tãeste famoso de que vem conquistando tantos vapers todos ESTES dias ao redor do mundo.

Wait at least 5-10 minutes for the ejuice to saturate the coil and cotton so that you don’t burn the coil inside the pod. You’ll want to be very careful not to burn the coil — if your pod has the coil built in, the entire pod will have to be thrown out. 

Grab your ejuice of choice and locate the fill port. This is usually a rubber plug located on the side or bottom of the pod, but it may also be a hole located under the mouthpiece cap. If you’re unsure where your fill port is located, check the user manual that came with your device.

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That’s it. Enjoy your vape! To get the most longevity out of your pod, make sure there’s always juice in it—or you can run the risk of a burnt coil. Once the liquid is almost gone, refill it or dispose juice of it. You can usually get about a week before needing to replace the pod or the coil… depending on how often you use them.

Khách hàng có thể mua sản phẩm của VapePro thông qua cửa hàng trực tuyến hoặc đến trực tiếp các cửa hàng để tận tay lựa chọn sản phẩm.

Pod System can come in various shapes and sizes. Like many things in life, the style you choose is quite subjective as pod system can be shaped in an elongated design that's known to be a "pen-style", or it can come in a multitudes of shapes!

The 5ml pod capacities are huge and this means that you’ll spend less time filling and more time vaping. 

Não perca mais tempo e venha conhecer este de que há por melhor pelo mundo vaping oferecido por essa marca referência!

The pods are completely clear and sit in the battery in a way that leaves nearly the whole pod contents completely visible. A quick glance at the pod is all it takes to know if you need more ejuice.

The power level can be adjusted between 5 and 25W, depending on the coil being used. The device will automatically adjust the power based on the coil resistance, but tweaking the wattage within a set range is still possible.

Generally, a pod battery lasts for a day. However, it can depend on the exact type of vape pod and your juice consumption. We’ve tried pods with capacities ranging from 300 mAh to 2000 mAh.

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